Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sorry if this is terrible... first blog ever...

Hey Everyone!
I'm Ali, and I'm from Palo Alto... sounds familiar, right? :)  I'm going to be leaving August 30th for Nanyuki, Kenya to volunteer at an all-girls high school. I will be working as a teacher's aide, teaching dance classes, and running leadership and sports activities. I am SO excited and feel so blessed to have this opportunity. In mid-December I'll come home for Christmas and spend January with my family. In February I head off to Lombok, Indonesia to work at a kindergarten in a small village and live with a local family. I just started learning Bahasa Indonesia today! (I have Rosetta Stone AND awesome bootlegged "how to learn Indonesian" that US government officials use) Anyway, I come home in May. After that, I am going to Georgia to work at a cancer lab for a month or so. Basically, I have an amazing year ahead of me, am absolutely THRILLED to be going to Stanford (my absolute dream school), and really hope to hear about all of the other gap year student adventures!

Go Cardinal!


1 comment:

  1. I really want to learn Indonesian! I've read that it's one of the easier languages to learn because it was designed by linguists in order to standardize all the different languages spoken in Indonesia. I don't know if this is true, though, so you'll have to let me know how it goes!!
